SAROMs generally offer links to backup firmware files specific largely to most low-end, off-brand Android devices marketed in South Africa. These are devices for which’s backup firmware or ROM files are normally not provisioned for by their distributors – whether due to neglect or to the thought that the target market is expected to be made up of individuals to whom firmware reloading should be overly daunting (even if they may own a computer which is normally integral in the process). And below are answers to some major questions it’s stakeholders may have regarding the services offered:
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Disclaimer (as a Christian): Several of these backup ROMs come preloaded with applications (user or system), presets, etc that may be partly compromised or entirely reprobate, in light of Christian ethics. Sharing ROM files that are thus preloaded never suggest endorsement on my part for as many such apps. Device owners are to keep, disable or remove such apps at their own discretion. And yes whenever practical, I aim to remove or replace as many such apps.
Either than this, my intervention is solely to offer core mobile computing platform maintenance – without assuming (whether direct or implied) responsibility on what computing applications device owners execute thereon thereafter. A fuller account is available on the diary entry here.